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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Best Weight Loss Foods

You haven't heard from me for long..And, that is because I have been busy creating a brand new priceless resource for you. Have you ever wondered what kinds of foods can help you with your weightloss? Ever gone grocery and tried to guesstimate the correct foods? If so, you must visit and read this FREE resource click here for Best Weight Loss Foods

Monday, March 12, 2007

[Weight loss Blog] Weight Loss Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Weight Loss Hypnosis has been successfully used to achieve a variety of objectives including quitting smoking, improving athletic performance, helping with emotional issues including fears and depression and dealing with stress. It has also been shown to be an effective tool to assist in weight loss. Differences Hypnosis represents an attractive alternative to other weight loss methods since it doesn't require "forcing" oneself to stick to special diets or strenuous exercise regimes. Hypnosis is also safer than solutions that require ingesting questionable supplements or drugs or the surgical options of liposuction and stomach stapling. Read more of <a href="http://weightloss.abli.net/blog/uncategorized/hypnosis-for-weight-loss"> Weight Loss for Hypnosis </a>

Friday, March 9, 2007

Lose Weight But don't lose your mind

Lose weight, but don't lose your peace of mind. Being obese is not fun. If you are overweight you have experienced the pain of extra pounds. But before you decide that by hook or by crook you will be slim again, you need to consider some important issues. Firstly are you sure that you are dangerously overweight? Consulting your doctor in this matter will not be a bad idea. Most of the time people get started on a diet because they think they are overweight, when actually there bodyweight is well within safe limits. Don't be one of them. Don't try to be fat-free just because it is fashionable. Remember body fat is required ingredient of our system! But if your doctor confirms that you really need to lose weight, you should pay heed, and start thinking on ways of losing weight. Choose your method wisely and don't expect overnight results. Most of the people fail to lose substantial weight because they expect quick results and get discouraged after one or two weeks. Just take it easy, don't let losing-weight to be an obsession. Read more of How to lose weight without losing your mind

Monday, February 19, 2007

Weight Loss Yoga

You’ve probably heard it many times, “Yoga is a great way to lose weight without side effects”. But, is it really? Yoga is a spiritual practice to discipline mind, body and spirit. There are many different types of yoga aimed at reducing stress, improving posture, healing physical ailments and discovering self.

So, what about weight loss? Is Yoga really the most effective way to lose weight without worrying about side effects? The main focus in yoga is always to bringing unity between the mind, body and spirit. Although yoga asanas might help in weight loss, they are not specifically designed for weight loss. All yoga exercises help to tone and strengthen the body muscles that in turn help create a healthy body. Yoga enhances flexibility and helps you correct the problems caused by weight gain. However, yoga is not a quick fix to weight gain, but it can be an excellent long term alternative approach to weight loss and fitness.

What about yoga for those who struggle with self confidence when it comes to weight loss? Yoga can be an excellent tool to boost self confidence among these individuals. Yoga provides a safe way for these individuals to communicate with their body and clear out the self destructive messages. Yoga creates a rich flow of prana (life energy) in the body which can be extremely beneficial if your weight loss campaign has been jeopardized due to lack of energy and motivation.

You can also use yogic diet to help you lose weight. Yogic diet is high in fiber, whole grain and vegetables. It might be the best way to combat fat, meat and processed food. Embracing a yogic lifestyle means self respect, discipline and action. This might be the perfect way for people who find it difficult to get off the couch and get moving given it’s emphasis on self discipline. Yoga is a process and a lifestyle. It is not a quick way to lose a pound or two. It’s a holistic approach to reaching a healthy lifestyle and maintaining it.